Matsu El Picaro 750ml is a youthful, medium- to full-bodied Spanish red wine from Toro, offering bold flavors of blackberries, dark cherries, and spice. With 14.5% ABV, this fresh Tinta de Toro pairs perfectly with grilled meats, tapas, or charcuterie. Serve at room temperature for a smooth, fruit-forward experience.
Region and Appellation:
Toro, Spain
Grape Variety/Varieties:
100% Tinta de Toro (Tempranillo)
Wine Type:
Red Wine
Tasting Notes:
Matsu El Picaro is a vibrant and youthful red wine, bursting with fresh aromas of ripe blackberries, dark cherries, and a hint of licorice. On the palate, this medium- to full-bodied wine delivers juicy flavors of dark fruits, plum, and a touch of spice, balanced by soft tannins and lively acidity. Its smooth texture and fruit-forward character make it an easy-drinking wine with a refreshing, long finish.
Medium- to Full-bodied
Alcohol Content:
Bottle Size:
Winemaker or Producer Information:
Matsu El Picaro is the youngest expression in the Matsu collection, crafted from organically farmed Tinta de Toro vines in the Toro region of Spain. This modern and fruit-forward wine showcases the vibrant energy of younger vines, making it a perfect introduction to the Matsu range, which focuses on the unique terroir and powerful character of Toro.
Food Pairings:
Pairs wonderfully with grilled meats, charcuterie, roasted vegetables, or Spanish tapas. It’s also great with cured meats and semi-hard cheeses.
Serving Recommendations:
Serve at room temperature, around 60-65°F (15-18°C). Decant for 20-30 minutes before serving to fully release its fresh fruit flavors.
*Actual bottle may be different from the product image on website. Vintage/Year of the bottle is not guaranteed unless stated.
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