Luccarelli Negroamaro 750ml is a full-bodied Italian red wine from Puglia, featuring bold flavors of blackberries, plum, and a hint of spice. With 13.5% ABV, this dry wine pairs perfectly with roasted meats, pasta, or aged cheeses. Serve at room temperature for a smooth, robust finish.
Region and Appellation:
Puglia, Italy
Grape Variety/Varieties:
100% Negroamaro
Wine Type:
Red Wine
Tasting Notes:
Luccarelli Negroamaro is a bold and expressive red wine from Puglia, offering rich aromas of blackberries, dark cherries, and plum, with hints of licorice, tobacco, and Mediterranean herbs. On the palate, this full-bodied wine delivers deep flavors of ripe black fruit, balanced by smooth tannins and a touch of spice. The long, velvety finish highlights the warmth and character of the Negroamaro grape, making it a delightful and robust wine from Italy’s sun-soaked vineyards.
Alcohol Content:
Bottle Size:
Winemaker or Producer Information:
Luccarelli is known for producing high-quality wines that embody the rich heritage of the Puglia region. This Negroamaro is crafted with care, using grapes from old vines grown in the southern Italian sun. The result is a wine that reflects the bold, rustic charm of Puglia while maintaining a smooth, approachable style that’s perfect for any occasion.
Food Pairings:
Pairs beautifully with roasted meats, grilled vegetables, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano. It also complements Mediterranean cuisine, including lamb or eggplant dishes.
Serving Recommendations:
Serve at room temperature, around 60-65°F (15-18°C). Decant for 30 minutes before serving to fully open up its rich flavors and aromas.
*Actual bottle may be different from the product image on website. Vintage/Year of the bottle is not guaranteed unless stated.
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